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Join Our ITAD Partner Program

BitRaser ITAD Partner Program allows IT Asset disposition companies and refurbishers to provide services to their customers that help eliminate the risk of data leakage, cost, and complexities associated with compliance & laws, to securely manage their IT assets and consumer electronics throughout their lifecycle.

Our software for Drive Eraser, Mobile Eraser & Diagnostics is available through the ITAD partnership program and can equip ITADs with a fast, scalable, and manageable data wiping & diagnostic solution. The software lineup can consolidate the ITAD's data wiping capabilities across all types of storage media, including loose hard drives, SSD, built-in drives in computers & Mac systems, servers, and iOS & Android devices. The following are some of the main benefits of becoming a BitRaser ITAD Partner.

THE BitRaser® ADVANtage

Our ITAD Partner Program Delivers Valuable Benefits

Scalable & Automated Data Erasure & Diagnostics Software

BitRaser secure data erasure & diagnostics software allows you to start wiping up to 100 drives in less than 10 minutes. The software is scalable & allows wiping of more than 65000 drives simultaneously. You can automate the erasure process to bring standardization in operations and Scaleup your business. 

Price Lock-In During Contract Term

By joining the BitRaser ITAD program, you get the benefit of purchasing bulk licenses of BitRaser at a special discounted pricing. The special price is locked for the term of the contract thereby ensuring no increase in costs even if you scale up erasure volumes over time.

Free Assisted Remote Deployment & Training

As BitRaser ITAD Partner, you get our technical assistance for remote deployment of BitRaser Drive Eraser & Network Cloud variant. We equip you with extensive know-how of the software remotely to help you provide seamless data erasure services to your customers.

FREE Premium Technical Support - 24*5

We provide free 24x5 technical support for BitRaser to help you resolve issues and queries, supporting your job delivery against the defined timelines. Our technical support for BitRaser is available through Phone, Chat, E-Mail, Web Ticketing, and Knowledgebase Articles.

FREE Product Updates

Our ITAD Partner get free updates for the software with the program, allowing you to deliver the best-in-class data wiping services to your customers as per the latest technology. Our product development team also keeps rolling out the new features & patches to support new technology ensuring total customer satisfaction.

Customized Solution For ITADs

For large ITAD partners we offer customized solution to automate their data wiping process to minimize human intervention and improve their existing data erasure process.  This helps ITADs align data wiping solution with their ITAD process and increase efficiency in operations.


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