The growing technological advancement of storage devices fuels the need for retiring, reselling, or recycling old devices, like laptops, desktops, servers, loose drives, SSDs, etc. Each of these IT assets has a usage expectancy. Organizations planning to perform bulk destruction of old storage devices must find a reliable tool to perform seamless data erasure at diverse locations. They can look for a robust and secure data erasure solution with automation to enhance productivity by customizing various data fields in the ISO for minimum human intervention. ISO customization helps in standardizing the data erasure process with automation, saves time in unnecessary repetitive tasks, and prevents human error.
BitRaser Drive Eraser software offers an intuitive ISO customization feature from its cloud console for erasing hard drives, and SSDs in PC, laptops, and servers. The software among others provide the option to customize, select global standards for data erasure, adding custom fields, erase remapped sectors, or even freeze a desirable method of verification. This helps to maintain consistency of data erasure performed across locations globally and facilitates organizations & IT asset disposition companies to gain operational efficiency.
Let’s take a look at the benefits of ISO customization:
Mitigate the Risk of Human Error
With an objective to accomplish more in less time to gain efficiency, ISO customization turns a manual task into a highly automated operation while performing data erasure. With the BitRaser software repetitive tasks like connecting to the network, entering cloud credentials, selecting data wiping standards, and capturing data in custom fields, can be dealt with easily. Technicians need not get involved across locations in entering any fields while performing data erasure. The complete process can be automated from start to end. The software helps mitigate the risk of human error by freezing the inputs at the time of ISO customization. Using the cloud console, the technicians can customize numerous ISOs, each to meet their specific requirements and policies.
Help Attain Standardization
The data erasure process can be standardized by creating a master ISO file that can be distributed across company locations by the technician to ensure seamless data erasure. Little or no training is required to be given to the users performing data erasure in these locations. The data erasure can be efficiently performed on all devices—make and models, regardless of the storage type. The ISO can be deployed via USBs or over-a-network (PXE).
Increase Productivity
The plug-and-play BitRaser Drive Eraser software requires 10-15 minutes of a technician’s time to perform erasure on a device. For instance, the technician ends up spending up to 20 hours wiping 100 devices. If the ISO file is pre-configured and customized with various fields being pre-filled, then the technician invests only 10-15 minutes. This way, not only organizations save on productive time and resources by at least 70 percent, but also gain efficiency and increase business revenue.
Audit Trail for Compliance
The software facilitates adding company logos, watermark image, technician and validator signature to personalize reports and certifications during ISO customization. This helps in customizing reports to meet your specific policies and guidelines for audit purposes.
ISO Customization—Automation with Simplicity
Using the Cloud Console, technicians can grant access to the bootable ISO image to new users placed at diverse locations worldwide. They get a specific set of licenses to perform standardized data erasure from anywhere, anytime, with the same uniformity. The cloud console also acts as a repository for tamper-proof reports and certificates.
You can follow the step-by-step guide for customizing an ISO file using BitRaser Drive Eraser software on our Knowledge Base.